Drikung Meditation Center
Boston, MA, USA
A Jewel of Living Dharma
For over 20 years, The Drikung Meditation Center has offered Tibetan Buddhist teachings, practices and retreats to all levels of spiritual practitioners - from curious beginner to experienced meditator - right here in the Boston area..
We are home to the only emanation replica of the sacred Jowo Rinpoche statue outside of the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa Tibet! The Jowo statue is considered a living Buddha, a very holy object of immense beauty and profound blessings. Our Jowo statue is not only an exact replica, it is a spirtual emanation of Jowo Rinpoche himself. Learn about the Jowo Rinpoche Statue HERE.
Under the guidance of our spiritual director, Venerable Lama Konchok Sonam, our mission has been to serve the community in a spirit of loving kindness, fostering understanding between all religions, cultures and people.
Gems From Lama Konchok Sonam's Weekly Teachings:
Message and Brief Prayer to be Reborn in Dewachen Click Here
Excerpted from the Full Moon Phowa Practice
The U.S. Jowo Rinpoche Statue at the
Drikung Meditation Center in MA, USA.

Wonderful News: A New Center!
The Drikung Meditation Center is now also home to the US Jokhang Temple! We have obtained a mortgage on a property in Danvers, MA!
This was only possible due to the enormous generosity of the community and everyone's profound merit and aspirations. Emaho! Lama Sonam's longtime dream of establishing a Jokhang Temple here in the US is one very large step closer to fruition!
The Capital Campaign - 5 Year Plan.
While this momentous occasion is most definitely a cause for celebration we will continue to work together as a community to pay off the balance owed in the 5 year window before the interest rate increases. Therefore we have introduced the Capital Campaign to meet this goal. We are currently in year 3 of this 5 year plan and on track to meet our goal!
If you or someone you know can help secure the US JokhangTemple for future generations
Please read and share this Letter from Lama Konchok Sonam:
Please help us fully actualize Lama Sonam's US Jokhang Temple vision!
Become a Monthly Donor!
Help secure the future of the
US Jokhang Temple!
Links for Daily Practice Livestreams
For Passcode: please contact dmcboston@gmail.com
All Times are Eastern Time.
To find out how this translates to your time zone, please click here.

Ven. Lama Konchok Sonam asks us to join in the gathering of profound spiritual blessings by participating in the Online Dharma Practice Sessions and the accumulation of mantra. The benefits of these shared recitations are deep and vast due to being recited with the welfare and benefit of all sentient beings in mind.

​​Totals updated regularly..
As of, April 13th, 2023:
​100 Million Green Tara
Current Total:1,531,069
​Parnashavari, Vanquisher of Disease
Current Total: 94,013
Ven. Lama Konchok Sonam offers this beautiful audio recording, wherein he chants the "Treasury of Siddhis Medicine Buddha Mantra for Universal Healing", with original guitar and flute musical accompaniment.
Recording courtesy of
Drikung Dharmakirti Circle.
​Music by Omar Rodrigo Sierra,
Casa Tibet México, León, Guanajuato.
Click on image to listen.
Items Consecrated by Ven. Lama Sonam
Ven. Lama Konchok Sonam has specially consecrated many precious and unique items in our Dharma Shop - stupas, amulets, statues and more.
Proceeds of all sales go directly to of our operating expenses needed for the daily functioning of the center, and also to our US Johkang Temple Fund!
Please help ensure that generations to come can enjoy the limitless benefit of the U.S. Jowo Rinpoche statue.
Thank you!
This Golden Stupa is available in our shop. It brings the profound blessings of the Buddha to our home, office, business or space, and has been consecrated by Ven. Konchok Lama Sonam.