Pilgrimage to the Jowo Rinpoche

About the Jowo Rinpoche
In the year 641 the wife of Dharma King Songsten Gampo, Chinese Princess Wencheng, brought the original Jowo Rinpoche to Lhasa, Tibet. This sacred image of Jowo Sakyamuni Buddha is the most venerated and beautiful image in all of Tibet.
The Jowo Rinpoche statue is a source of profound blessings -- bestowing freedom from fear and suffering to those who view it with devotion. It is called the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel for its ability to grant those who pray to it their deepest wishes.
Traditionally, Tibetans must make pilgrimage to Lhasa to view the statue at least once in their lifetime. The benefits of viewing this image include quickening the path to Enlightenment!
About the Jokhang Temple
On May 30th 2008, a full size emanation replica of Jowo Rinpoche was installed at the Drikung Meditation Center in Arlington, MA. Standing nearly 8 feet tall, the U.S. Jowo Rinpoche is wondrous to behold and so the stream of blessings continues here in the U.S.!
The Jokhang Temple in Lhasa Tibet was created to place the statue in a context so that all of the lineages of Tibetan Buddhism can benefit from its presence. Now open as a pilgrimage site, all are welcome to visit and view the statue.
The U.S. Jowo Rinpoche is an exact replica and spiritual emanation of the original in Tibet. It is liberation by seeing statue in this intimate setting. Just looking at the statue is all one needs to start receiving its benefits. The statue is a source of blessing for practitioners of all faiths and it is a visual manifestation of innate goodness that all can respond to.
We have recently purchased a property, a new home for the Drikung Meditation Center, which will become the US Jokhang Temple - a sacred place where this holy statue will be housed.
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Become part of something that you and so many others will enjoy for generations to come, a temple that will benefit all sentient beings as long as it endures.