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11th Annual Chenrezig Drubchen for Peace

November 24, 7:00pm - November 26th, 5:00pm EDT



The Drubchen starts November 24th at 7pm EDT with Drel Dzin, or "taking our seats", in Tibetan.

Beginning with opening prayers, altruistic motivation, action bodhicitta and preparation rituals, Lama will then offer the history and explanation of this profound practice. The next morning at 9:00am EDT we begin the continuous practice (with sessions around the clock as possible). Special offering dedications will be shared the afternoon of Sunday, November 26th along with a celebratory Tsok offering and final dedication.


Click here more information on and Registration for the Chenrezig Drubchen.




Lord Jigten Sumgon's  "Gong Chig"
"The Single Intent - The Sacred Dharma"  Teachings with
Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche
October 15th and 16th


Khenchen Rinpoche has nurtured the Drikung Meditation Center since it's very beginnings some 30 years ago. We are delighted to welcome him at last to the new home of the DMC US Jokhang and most especially to receive these precious teachings on the seminal work of Lord Jigten Sumgon, the "Gong Chig".

The Gongchig conveys clearly the essence of the Buddha’s teachings. It delineates the causal law of the universe, Nagarjuna’s philosophy of interdependence, and opens one’s mind to principles of ethics that help to guard oneself against confusion on the path. Thus, the Gong Chig is a guide for every Dharma practitioner – for both study and application in daily life. 

Khenchen Rinpoche’s teaching and translations have greatly contributed to the establishment and flourishing of the Buddhadharma in the West.

His teaching style is warm and direct. Rinpoche has tirelessly translated numerous Drikung practice texts as well as great works of Buddhist philosophy such as Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation. His additional works include: Transformation of Suffering, Stainless Ambrosia, A Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path, Great Kagyu Masters, Garland of Mahamudra Practices and Opening the Treasure of the Profound. 

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